Degraded joints?
We have the definitive solution in just 12 hours.
Suitable for logistics and warehouses.

SMART JOIN® is Edil Noli SRL exclusive patent no. 102015000042401 issued on 23.01.2018 by Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi
Rely on PRIMA PAVIMENTI, the sector professionals
to satisfy every customer need.
The final solution. In just 12 hours.
Smart Joint®® is a precasted joint of composite material.
It is used at the old degraded joints; once installed, it will guarantee floor flatness and continuity.
It is applied in total adherence to the existing support, becoming itself a floor part.
It is suitable for a high intensity of heavy traffic flooring, industrial kind.
It does not deteriorate over time and requires no maintenance.
It prevents wheels wear of used means for handling;
suitable also to preserve the health of forklift drivers.
It is easy to apply, after only 12 hours, the surface can be used;
it allows both flooring vertical and horizontal movements, making a permanent bridge to thermal movements;
it does not deteriorate over time and does not require maintenance.
Joints repair
Companies having traditional concrete industrial floors will probably soon have to repair different nature joints cracks caused by several factors:
- Plastic or hygrometric retraction
- Pop-out phenomena
- Wrong mix concrete design, so low resistance
- Improper sizing of concrete slabs
- deformation of concrete slabs, also caused by subsidence of substrate
- High traffic of handling vehicles with rigid wheels and flooring not adequately designed
- Low or non-existent floor maintenance
Joint restoration with the Smart Joint® will finally avoid floor degradation, resulting in a smooth, perfectly flat surface that helps goods handling vehicles transit and worker safety.
Before making the joints repairs, we also suggest a check that concrete slabs are not subject to vertical movements, in which case they will need to be blocked by mass consolidation injections.