At the headquarters of Bertram Derthona (of which we are a sponsor) in Tortona as part of the construction of the Tortona Sports Citadel, we recently finished the flooring of the outdoor basketball courts.

THE SOLUTION: A certified multilayer, highly elastic system based on acrylic resins in aqueous dispersion and selected fillers was used in combination with a prefabricated high-performance granular rubber mat, specially designed for surfaces of tennis courts, padel and pickleball courts, and basketball courts for professional use. This solution can be applied on old, already painted floors or on new bituminous or cement surfaces, allowing the creation of elastic and aesthetically pleasing floors that are durable, but above all with high technical performance, such as ball bounce, quick and safe changes of direction, high playing comfort and with a balanced relationship between balance and sliding by the user. In addition to being highly resistant to wear, UV rays and weathering, it also has the characteristic of reducing the effect of impact trauma. The wide colour range makes it highly customisable.

From 2023 PrimaPavimenti sponsors the lions of the Derthona Basket, the basketball team from the city of Tortona that competes in #serieA.

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