Sogemi – Project Foody 2025.

We are pleased to be part of this great project – Foody Mercato Agroalimentare Milano – works in progress to create Italy’s first wholesale market and one of the most important markets in Europe.

The Foody 2025 project represents a progressive investment plan that will allow the development of a strategic area for the entire agri-food chain. The development project includes: two new fruit and vegetable pavilions; logistics and production platforms that will be a reference point for goods handling activities; a renovated Palazzo Affari and support services such as laboratories and food training centres.

We recently finished the resin flooring of one of the two fruit and vegetable halls, according to project specifications, custom RAL colour.

We have applied a certified multi-layer epoxy system with a thickness of 3 mm, non-slip (expected anti-slip classes measured according to UNI EN 13036/4), with high mechanical and chemical resistance (withstands severe chemical attack UNI EN 13529) that complies with Government Decree no. Legislative Decree 193/2007 “EC Regulation 852/2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs” (H.A.C.P). This system also has environmental sustainability certified by LEED, EPD and AgBB.

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