Rely on PRIMA PAVIMENTI, the sector professionals
Certified solutions, quality and respect of project times
to satisfy every customer need.
to satisfy every customer need.

PRIMA CARGO - The strongest mix: asphalt and cement
Prima Cargo is an innovative semi-flexible flooring suitable for all areas used as heavy vehicles parking or transit and to renew worn yards subject to continuous and strong stresses.
Obtained from the combination between the mechanical performance of high strength cement mortar and the flexibility of a bituminous conglomerate to high porosity, guarantees better physical-mechanical performance.

- Up to 4 times more resistant
- Execution time 3/4 days
- Easier installation than traditional solutions
- It requires no joints
- It allows smaller thicknesses
- It resists peak loads and wear
- More durability and resistance to hydrocarbons, to chemical agents
- More resistance to high temperatures than asphalt
- It reduces maintenance costs
- Also resistant to freeze-thaw cycles
Application fields
Heavy logistics
- Interports
- Yards and airport cargo areas
- Container storage yards
- Harbor docks
- Storage yards for steel mills
- Airport parking
- Parking for special heavy vehicles
Light logistics
- Company yards
- Freight forwarders yards
- Parking for trucks and exceptional transport
Mass Retail Channel logistics
- Loading / unloading areas
- Shopping malls parking