The extension of the Santa Chiara Hospital in Cisanello, Pisa, is in progress

Dealing with flooring in the hospital sector is one of the activities that characterises us and for which a structured approach is necessary.

Within the scope of the contract for the construction of the New Santa Chiara University Hospital Complex in Cisanello, the construction site began last February and will see us busy until the end of the year. At this stage, on behalf of CMB Carpi, we are carrying out aerated crawl spaces and screeds for over 110,000 m2 for the buildings:

Building 50 – Administrative Offices

Building 33 – Second Expansion

Building 32 – Entrance and Main Street

There is still a long way to go, but on completion Tuscany will have a hospital facility, already a centre of excellence, even more complete and equipped with additional services. See the project>>

See also resin coating solutions for hospitals, clinics and surgeries >>

Need information to renew your flooring or ask for an ON LINE QUOTE? – Contact us, our experts are at your disposal

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