Fiera Milano Portello - Riqualifica Padigioni 1-2

The renovation work on pavilions 1 and 2 of Fieramilanocity has begun, where, on behalf of Notarimpresa spa, we will take care of the restyling of the floors. 

Work in progress

We have started work on the adaptation works of the first exhibition center of Fiera Milano. A whole series of interventions are underway aimed at restoring the widespread degradation of the surface of screeds and substrates in pavilions 1 and 2, in the exhibition and refreshment areas, and in the offices. The interventions also included the restoration of the expansion joints in the floor.

Discover the project on UrbanLife Milan >>

Step 2- Resin and vinyl fabric floors

Each area has its own needs and eco-sustainable and certified solutions

Pavilion 1 and 2 – Exhibition areas, refreshment areas and offices.

For all the different areas we will apply a self-levelling polyurethane resin finish, with a strong ability to reduce the force of impact on the ground and comfortable to walk on, ideal for busy environments, very resistant and easy to maintain.

Know the resin solutions for renovations >>

Pavilion 2 – Conference Rooms

We will install a vinyl fabric floor Dickson (of which we are Partners) Mirage, with Tatami effect and color chosen by the DL, combined with an acoustic and technical background. Solution that presents unique properties, comfort, resistance and design:

CleanGard® more resistant to dirt – SoundGuard® soundproofing

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