Pavements Prima Pavimenti

Work in progress on the project started in 2004 for the underground car park in Via Borgogna, where we are currently supplying and installing concrete paving for the external pavements on behalf of SALC.

After the M4 San Babila construction site, we are witnessing the transformation of Milan in this area. A metamorphosis and redevelopment of large urban areas that sees us engaged on several fronts.

Concrete paving with broomed top surface

Classical concrete can be cast in the traditional, ‘staircase’ manner or by the ‘laser-screed’ method, with a broomed finish. This is a type of concrete floor that is relatively simple to make, but extremely durable and requires very little maintenance. The sweep finish is nothing more than a series of grooved incisions in the concrete: the walkable surface becomes non-slip thanks to the grooving of the concrete, meeting the safety requirements of the project.

Contact us, our sales engineers are at your disposal

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